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My Top Ten Brexit import and export issues

There are many issues facing the UK as we leave the EU, but which are going to be the most problematic for the country and therefore for importers and exporters? I’m regularly talking to business leaders and import and export…

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New Classification of Interactive Electronic Learning Toys

From January 1st 2017 the commodity codes list undergoes its annual review by HMRC during which many tariff codes are added/deleted. Of interest to toy manufacturers/importers/exporters will be the addition of a new code for children's interactive electronic toys. The extract pictured above is from an IES classification…

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Footwear Classification

Need help with classifying your goods on import into the UK? Are you finding footwear classification confusing? Are you having problems classifying your imports. Let us help we have designed easy to use Commodity Code classification trees. For more information or…

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Key Potential Impacts of Brexit on UK Business

Potentially Negative Impacts A period of trade instability The need to write customs legislation as EU legislation is redundant. The UK may choose to adopt the EU current legislation and amend over time. Increased costs as with no FTA’s in…

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Brexit – International Trade Considerations:

  EU single market: In order to limit any damage to trade the UK will want to start negotiations with non-EU trade partners to preserve any existing level of preferential access UK companies currently get to their markets. Rest of…

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A view on Brexit UK options & Next steps

Sequence of events: By October the UK triggers Article 50 of The European Union (TEU) The European Council (minus the UK) must then agree by consensus the terms of the UK’s withdrawal. Any agreement will need to have a ‘qualified…

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