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Brexit actions: notes on the IES checklist jobs 13 to 15

If you’ve been using the Import Export Support checklist, this is the third and last set of notes covering off the last three tasks on the checklist.
Checklist notes: NI, GVMS and Intrastat

13. Northern Ireland
From Jan 1st 2021 goods arriving in Northern Ireland (NI) from the UK will require an import declaration
• This will need to be submitted in CDS and can be done using the Trader Support Service (TSS)
• Businesses will need to register with TSS
• TSS can submit the import declarations
• In a no deal scenario, TSS can submit the reclaim of any EU duty paid for goods that remain in NI
• TSS are also offering free training which will handle questions and give guidance.
Register with TSS

14. Goods Vehicle Movement System
From July 2021 the Goods Vehicle Movement System (GVMS) will be used to facilitate the movements through the RORO ports like Dover, recording pertinent information to link the export declaration to the truck or consignment.
Guide to GVMS

15. Intrastat reporting
From Jan 1st, companies who meet the current thresholds will be required to continue to submit Intrastat declarations for imports (arrivals) from the EU.

We hope the checklist and notes have been useful. Our advice continues to be that businesses should prioritise preparations, as the new trade environment starts in just a few weeks.
The highlighted numbers refer to the job number on the checklist.

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