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Additional Rates of Duty on Goods from the USA

As from 1st May 2015 anyone planning to import the following goods from the USA will incur an additional Customs Duty of 1.5%. This is an increase on the current rate of 0.35%.

07104000 – Sweetcorn, uncooked or cooked by steaming, boiling in water; frozen

6204623110 – Of denim, hand-printed by the ‘batik’ method

6204623190 – Of denim, other

87051000 – Crane Lorries (excluding breakdown lorries)

9003190010 – Frames & mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like; of base metals

If you are unsure of the classification code the Tariff Classification helpline is available Monday to Thursday, between 1pm and 5pm and Friday between1pm and 4.30pm on Telephone: 03000 513777.

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